A few Half Moon All Stars rehearsals ago, Calum mentioned that he had friend who had approached him with an intriguing prospect. This being Calum, none of us were surprised, but this time it was legal and extended to the whole band. This friend, Brian, was putting on an event in the Natural History Museum (the Oxford one, in the picture above, with the picture of the poor woman who kept trying to walk out of the panoramic shot, but eventually the camera caught up with her). The event was going to involve scientists reading stories about their work over folk music. Brian wondered whether the Half Moon All Stars might like to play that folk music.
But all the band heard was “Yada yada yada yada gig under dinosaur skeletons yada yada yada yada…”
And we said yes. It will be on 10 October, in just over a week. Tickets are available here, since you ask:
Today I stopped by to just get a sense of how much of a PA we’re going to need. I think we’ll bring all the kit anyway, but we might strip it down a bit and only mic some instruments — I think we’ll be able to get away with a fairly unplugged sound, but we’ll see.
It’s an interesting challenge, providing backing music for stories. You want the music to be adding colour to the stories being read, but not so much as to be distracting.
We’ll also be doing some of our set too. The name of the event is ‘The Head & The Heart’, and Brian asked us if we knew any songs about heads, and about hearts.
I’m sure we’ll think of something…