Introverts and Extroverts

I’m having the same conversation over and over again at the moment.  I find myself talking about whether people consider themselves extroverts or introverts.  I do it so often that extroverts get emotionally drained talking to me, and thus become introverts.  It’s a gift.

But I do find it fascinating, because I’m very much an introvert.  I definitely enjoy being around people, and so much of the music stuff I do is very social by nature.  And yet if I wake up in the morning and think “I don’t have any reason to go out this evening!” I tend to rejoice a little.  Not because I feel going out is bad, as much as staying in and having time to think and make stuff feels so good.  But I’m also paranoid that friends feel I’m being rude and antisocial, and don’t actually want to spend time with them.  It really is a question of energy.  As I understand it (which might well be inaccurately), extroverts tend to get inspired working with people in groups, and introverts tend to be inspired by their own inner world.

This manifests itself in my music-making habits too.  So many musicians I know live for performing live.  And, you know, it’s great in its way.  But ah, the recording studio!  So many toys.  So much potential for crafting something that just hits a very particular emotional spot.

Too much introversion, like anything, is not good, I believe.  If I haven’t had a night out in about 4 or 5 days then I start to do slightly peculiar things like declare myself an independent sovereign state, get into imaginary fights, or drink Bovril.  Too little introversion, and I get sulky and resentful of everyone for talking at me.

But I feel it’s nice to have a slightly better understanding of how the introversion/extroversion thing works.  When I was younger I would have just assumed that I was an extrovert, on account of being a mouthy git.  As it turns out, I was wrong, and who would have guessed it?

I’m just special.

(Actually, I probably would have guessed that.)

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